Comics Graphic Policy Radio

Listen to Kieron Gillen Chat with Graphic Policy Radio on Demand

Kieron Gillen chatted with us for over an hour and we covered a lot. A great listen to find out more about the creative process.

On demand: iTunes ¦ Sound Cloud ¦ Stitcher

This Monday saw the return of comic writer Kieron Gillen to Graphic Policy Radio.

Kieron Gillen first came to attention in his 2006 collaboration with Jamie McKelvie, Phonogram. Jamie and he have yet to escape each other, and have somehow roped the otherwise innocent Matt Wilson into this unfortunate pop-comics Katamari. Their most successful work is their 2014 ongoing series, The Wicked + The Divine. Kieron’s other books for Image include Three and the forthcoming The Ludocrats. His other books include many titles published by Marvel (featuring characters you’ve probably heard of) and Avatar (featuring characters you probably haven’t.) He lives in London.

This Monday he talked his career, music, and more!

Some Kieron highlights:

  1. “if you are writing about pop stars you are writing about race”
  2. “canon is stupefying”
  3.  Wondering if he ruined a 14 year old’s life by getting her into The Manic Street Preachers
  4. Teen voices on tumblr absolutely impact how he writes his teen characters
  5. Young Avengers was the Avengers if there’d been no Kirby

Also find out about the 1830 Wicked + Divine pantheon and a comic described as Pokemon meets Mad Max in the style of the Fast and Furious.

Warning: There are Wicked + Divine spoilers at the 1 hour 15 minute mark.