Comics Reviews

Review: Imperial #3

Imperial #3 has heaps of issues. It encompasses gobs of clichés, the main character is frustrating, and the story is completely devoid of originality. But the third issue is sure to evoke a couple of chuckles. Imperial is a tale of a goof who is chosen to reign as the next savior of earth. None of the storytelling will surprise you; its plot is very trite.

Steven T. Seagle’s main character Mark is an embodiment of the everyman. He isn’t sharp, nor is he in great shape. So of course Mark also happens to have a fiancée who is significantly more attractive than him. Mark is a male character that has been written thousands of times, and there’s a reason for that: it is a very relatable character. However, Seagle dumbs down Mark far too much. Mark is supposed to be relatable, but for most of the comic, I rolled my eyes at how dimwitted he is.

Even though Mark is a very irritating character, Seagle is able to create a couple of funny moments. Mark’s interactions with the current Imperial can be quite humorous.

Imperial #3 continues a problem the miniseries has had since its beginning: Mark’s fiancée Katie appears sparingly. The book is to only last one more issue. The entire situation Mark has faced greatly affects Katie, so she should be included in the story much more.

Imperial’s clichéd themes are the most frustrating part of the comic. They only make the book more predictable. Every story doesn’t need a profound nor an original message to be enjoyable, but it needs a few unique twists.

Mark Dos Santos’ art is the book’s best quality. The humor and the bit of a charm the book possesses is mainly thanks to the art of Dos Santos. He nails facial expressions; they help make Mark’s character funnier and more enjoyable. Dos Santos’ art isn’t flashy, but the clean-cut style suits the comic well.

Thus far, Imperial would be lucky to be called a mediocre comic book. The miniseries has been easily forgettable to this point, and its third issue is the worst installment yet.

Story: Steven T. Seagle Art: Mark Dos Santos
Story: 3.00 Art: 8.00 Overall: 3.5 Recommendation: Pass
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Image Comics provided Graphic Policy with a FREE copy for review