
Meet Indonesia sensation cosplayer Vinvid Luke

Get to know the cosplayer

Here, as we are all just staring into space and wondering when 2020 will ever show some good news from this Pandemic year and I believe I’ve found it. Vinvid Luke is a cosplayer from Indonesia and was gracious enough to allow this old report at a chance for an interview. She is cute and petite and all complete. A lover of great food and of course cosplay veteran for some years now. Her name is Vinvid Luke and she is my guest to offer sight about her life, love of cosplay, and everything in between. Please give a warning American welcome to cosplayer, Vinvid Luke.

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Raven: Hello Vinvid Luke. Indonesia’s most precious gift for the world to enjoy! I really appreciate you taking your time to answer these burning question about you and your artistry.

Vinvid: Thank you for having me here. I am so looking forward to answering all your questions. 

Raven: It is a tradition of mine to offer a cosplayer, who I have the pleasure of being interviewed by me, to offer some words of advice, inspiration, or encouragement. So here goes, “ My life is like a camera. It just focuses on what’s important and captures the good times. It develops from all the negatives and if things don’t work out, I take another shot”.

With that being said, please tell us all about Vinvid Luke? I’m all ears!

Vinvid: Hi everyone, my name is Vinvid Luke, I was born in Indonesia. I’ve recently cut my hair very short. I once had about a meter long hair, but drying it was a bother. So I cut it short. My eyes are brown/hazel in color. I love offering one’s fortune with tarot cards. My clients consist of friends and family who have become very loyal customers. They love to discover their luck, especially when it comes to finding their soulmate. Haha! What sort of secret am I keeping? Once, I confessed my feelings with someone, twice. Each time, I was rejected, twice. On the third attempt, he finally confessed his feelings for me. I was extremely relieved! 

Hemm. I am 165cm (5’4) tall and was born in the month in July making my Zodiac sign,  Cancer. At times, I am more comfortable writing in English or Japanese. But when I have to speak in English, I’m still submissive. Drawing things like Fanart, manga, and original characters fill my heart with joy. 

When I’m in a bad mood, or stressed-out, I like to drink a matcha latte. The bitter taste and creamy milk make me relax. Just the smell and taste alone is enough to enjoy having it. I like vampire genre comics like “Vampire Knight, Vampire game”. My favorite anime is Code Geass, and the character, Lelouch, is one of my favorite characters. 

Raven: Let us go back to when you were younger. Were you a shy or outgoing young girl growing up? Were you Nerdy or Geeky? 

Vinvid: When I was little, I was very geeky in appearance, but I got into fights with guys a lot, that’s for sure. I was a Tomboy kind of girl and I blame that on an aunt back when I was 7 years old. She said I was ugly to my face. It changed my life from that time forward. I hated looking at myself through a mirror or if someone were to take my picture of me. 

If you ever read a manga called, “Yamato Nadeshiko Shichihenge” where the main character is a girl named, Sunako, who hates all things beautiful including his reflection. Sunako, like myself, got his feelings and affections for someone rejected because she believes she was ugly. 

Thus, in some way,  life inmates’ art. The resemblance is uncanny. My appearance is somewhat similar to the character. We both love to wear all things black with dark accessories like Goth features. I became so obsessed,  I even wanted to paint the walls of my room black, providing my mom allows it. Haha! 

Raven: What got you started into cosplaying? What was your first cosplay character? 

Vinvid: It wasn’t until I was 17 years old when I found a cosplay community. At first, I didn’t know what cosplay and cosplayers were until I joined them. My first cosplay was “Hatsune Miku”, and it was a character that traumatized me a lot.

Why, should you ask?

Raven: I choose you, Pikachu. Why?

Vinvid: Because my first time cosplaying and my first time to an event I saw so many “Hatsune Miku” cosplayers. They were so many beautiful cosplayers wearing these amazing outfits and their fabulous makeup to compliment there cosplay. Many asked for their photos, whereas I was never asked at all. That event kept me from cosplaying for two years, but since then, I’ve made it a goal to practice with makeup applications and making better costumes. 

Now, while tending an event, I again was cosplaying, Hatsune Miku,  and would you believe, the fanfare was overwhelming. I couldn’t even move a bit because there were so many people asking for my photo. It is the most precious, most amazing thing I have ever experienced. 

Raven: What’s your most favorite cosplay outfit to wear? Do you create these amazing outfits?

Vinvid: The character I like the most is “Neliel” from the anime Bleach. I do all of my costumes and makeup myself. 

Raven: What characters draw you to cosplay them? 

Vinvid: I choose a character that I like because when I like a character, I can act like him. Because in my opinion, cosplay is a character that we like. Makeup is very important in cosplay. No matter how good your costume is, if you can’t make up and style the wig according to the character, then you can’t be the character you cosplayed. 

Raven: Does makeup play a role in your cosplaying? 

Vinvid: Usually, before I cosplay a character at any event or a photo-shoot, I practice makeup,  and their persona about 2 to 3 times. If I’m satisfied with my makeup, and my performance, I will cosplay that character then. I especially love to cosplay with my dear friends.  

Raven: Many fans want to see more of their favorite cosplayer do Lewd or Only Fans photos? What is your opinion about women doing Lewd photography?

Vinvid: About sexy cosplay, I don’t mind it, because cosplay is a hobby that we must be able to enjoy. That’s why I cosplayed the characters I enjoy playing the character. But, it all depends if the character’s costume is really sexy, and offers that certain allure or attractiveness a cosplayer gives off. 

For example, I cosplayed Nami Swan or Jewelry Bonney where their costumes can be said to be very sexual, but the allure I portray is not a Hot- Pornographic allure, but an allure as the character. So if it’s a matter of sexy or open cosplay, it depends on what the cosplayer’s intentions to portray it. 

Raven: Do you find yourself dressing in sexy cosplay wear from fan requests or what you want to offer them? 

Vinvid: I prefer it if my friends approve my cosplay, not because it is sexy, but because I am suitable and can make a 2D character come to life, which means I have successfully cosplayed many of the characters with the help of my friend’s suggestions. With their positive comments and suggestions, that is well appreciated, can I enjoy and do more interesting cosplays and not just being a sex symbol in the cosplay world. 

Raven: Now, a more established cosplayer, can you see some of the mistakes people do when cosplaying?

Vinvid: I like to pay attention to other people’s cosplay preparations, for example, I noticed that one cosplayer whose wig was not neat or real hair was visible, my body spontaneously wanted to help her straighten her wig so that her cosplay would be better, even to strangers. And I like the environment of cosplayers in Indonesia, they are kind and open to anyone helping them. 

Raven: I am always curious about the cosplayer choice of character outfits. Does the personality of the person determine what sort of character to wear? Or, does the character’s personality chooses the cosplayer?

Vinvid: I cosplayed a lot of different characters, and I like them all. I don’t look at what their costumes are like, as long as I admire the characters and I can act them out, then I’ll cosplay them. 

An example is  “Lalatina” from the anime Konosuba, she is a masochist girl, a character I can relate to. She’s alluring and full of expressions as well as detailed makeup. 

On the other hand, the character “Boa Hancock” from the anime One Piece is quite different. She’s a pirate queen whose personality and appearance give high self-esteem and grace. Overall, if I can’t portray the character well, no matter how much I adore the character, then I won’t cosplay it. 

Raven: I’m told you love Gothic and love Vampires. How did that possess your soul? 

Vinvid: I like goth more mainly because I love to wear black. I always wear the color black in my clothes and my accessories. 

Raven: Do you Bite? 

Vinvid: I don’t bite..XD 

Raven: What sort of places or locations do you prefer to show off your cosplay outfits? What do you prefer doing indoor or out shots? 

Vinvid: Location .. Depending on the kind of character I am portraying. It could be a sandy beach and ocean location, a forest, or a simple house location. I do prefer having all of my photo-shoots be outside, it is refreshing. XD 

Raven: When you are in front of the camera, your face is full of emotions. What are you thinking? Food? Milkshakes? Did I leave the stove on?

Vinvid: When I was cosplaying and taking pictures, what I thought at that time was, how to become the character, what would this character be like if someone asked him to talk or pose. Well .. sometimes I think “have you turned off the stove and locked the door of the house” XD. 

Raven: When not in front of the camera, what sort of fun-filled adventures does VinVid do?

Vinvid: Culinary hunting..XD is something I must do when I’m not in front of the camera..XD. 

Raven: Is having a friendly relationship tough when you are a cosplayer

Vinvid: In the world of cosplay that I live in, that relationship is a delicate one and one that can break easily. When you’re on a project while working with two or more people, there are times where teammates take on the same character. There have been some egos bruised that later has festered into creating animosity among each other. But, even in the world of cosplay, there’s beauty in a relationship because they understand and respect each other. Its the fun of meeting at events, sharing knowledge, and sharing stories

Raven: If I could just leave my COVID-19 mask at home and fly over to visit your country, what place can you show me?

Vinvid: The place that I would recommend, to be honest, I have never traveled around Indonesia myself because I’m the type who likes to stay at home except for cosplay activities. But there is a place that I want to visit and that I might recommend, namely “Raja Ampat” off the island of Papua.

Raven: Because of the Pandemic, a lot of public events have been postponed until further notice. What would you love to see come back? 

Vinvid: I miss some of the big events in Indonesia like Ennichisai. It is one of the biggest event ever. Visitors from various regions and outside countries will make their way to this. I really like walking in the middle of all the activities and enjoy the atmosphere. It is full of diversity. 

Raven: Do you have anything in the works right now that will break the internet? 

Vinvid: Nope, I prefer to make works, such as makeup practice, making an original character, practicing concepts, making my own photo studio so that I can still work at home. 

Raven: What sort of advice or words of wisdom you can offer new cosplayers out there? 

Vinvid: I want to say that cosplay, is a hobby where I can be anyone and anything I want to be. Just keep practicing and you will become better at it. Don’t give up when people insulted you, especially if starting. Make the insults and harsh criticism a source of strength so that you can become powerful. Prove to those who are against you that one day they will praise and adore you. They will eventually be your biggest supporters. 

Raven: Can I get a Hug? 

Vinvid: Of course not, we are in a pandemic. When this pandemic passes, quickly, and we can all enjoy the beauty of the world again, only then will I give you a hug, friend. 

Raven: Thank you so much for that amazing interview, “It is in the Books”! If I could as one more question Vinvid. Where can anyone find more about you and be a fan? 

Vinvid: Raven, it was my pleasure, and thank you for having me do this interview. I really appreciate it. For those out there interested in finding more of me, they can go to these websites: 

Facebook Page
Instagram Page

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By Raven Steel

Searching for those who make the ordinary into something extraordinary.