Tag Archives: shinta fujimoto

5 New Comics are Available on comiXology including a new Legends of the Dark Knight

There are five new comics available now on comiXology. You can find new comics from Yen Press, Harlequin, DC Comics, and iPOP. Get shopping now or check out the individual issues below.

Legends of the Dark Knight (2021-) #12

Written by Matthew Rosenberg
Pencils Cian Tormey
Inks Cian Tormey
Colored by Matt Hollingsworth

A HARD-RAINS A-GONNA FALL! Gotham City’s Flood walls have been compromised and the city is in the midst of a massive storm and massive crisis. Batman thinks that Killer Croc is responsible for the destroyed flood walls but Croc shows Batman that there’s a more sinister force looking to profit off of this disaster. From the creative team of fan-favorite writer Matthew Rosenberg and red hot artist Cian Tormey!

Legends of the Dark Knight (2021-) #12

Monster Me: Lion Queen

Written by iPOP! Labs
Art by Maxflan Araujo, Davide Puppo

LeMon’s adventure has her testing out the goods of 3 LIONS. But what will happen when those 3 lions find out a MONSTER has been messing with their stuff?

Monster Me: Lion Queen

Black Butler #177

Written by Yana Toboso
Art by Yana Toboso

Though he’s started a cushy new life as the Phantomhive chef, Baldo’s dreams are far from relaxing… Read the next chapter of Black Butler the same time as Japan!

Dead Mount Death Play #67

Written by Ryohgo Narita
Art by Shinta Fujimoto

Polka the shark has been kidnapped! But to what end…? Read the next chapter of Dead Mount Death Play the same day as Japan!

A Bride At His Bidding

Written by Michelle Smart
Art by Yoko Inoue

In order to investigate Andreas, a wealthy Greek man who put her sister through hell, Carrie applies to be his private secretary. Andreas has some doubts about her identity and decides to challenge her with extreme demands and work conditions. Hitting the limit of her patience, Carrie resists his orders and reveals her identity. Now he’s threatening a lawsuit against her. But then he offers her an unexpected alternative—marry him for six months!

A Bride At His Bidding

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7 New Comics from DC, Harlequin, and Yen Press are Available Now on comiXology

There are seven new comics available now on comiXology from DC, Harlequin, and Yen Press. Get shopping now or check out the individual releases below.

Legends of the Dark Knight (2021-) #10

Written by Brandon Thomas
Pencils Giannis Milonogiannis
Inks Giannis Milonogiannis
Colored by Jordie Bellaire

THE CONSULTANT FINALE! Batman and the Martian Manhunter have discovered that Julian Day AKA The Calendar Man is behind these crimes, all inspired by the Martian Calendar. His intention? To honor an ancient Martian Death God and absorb it’s power. Batman and Martian Manhunter will need to pool together their resources to stop his final ritual from happening!

Legends of the Dark Knight (2021-) #10

Truth & Justice (2021-) #14

Written by Grace Ellis
Pencils M.L. Sanapo
Inks M.L. Sanapo
Colored by Wendy Broome

While looking into the mystery of the Mothman, Batwoman comes face-to-face with an old enemy!

Truth & Justice (2021-) #14

Dead Mount Death Play #66

Written by Ryohgo Narita
Art by Shinta Fujimoto

Civil’s show of power brings a certain someone to mind for the Corpse God. Read the next chapter of Dead Mount Death Play the same day as Japan!

Dead Mount Death Play #66

Baisers torrides de mon insensible patron

Written by Barbara Wallace
Art by Masako Ogimaru

Le nouveau patron d’Élizabeth, secrétaire dans une papèterie, est un acquéreur d’entreprise réputé dans le milieu des affaires. En revanche, sa réputation en tant que PDG est catastrophique. Elle essaya d’obtenir une promotion lors d’un entretien, mais son patron la rejeta d’un ton sec. Suite à cette entrevue, Élisabeth était hors d’elle. Pourtant, lorsqu’elle le croisa en rentrant chez elle, désorienté à cause d’un accident, elle ne put s’empêcher de l’interpeler. Et depuis, la distance qui les séparait, se réduisit peu à peu. Sachant qu’Élisabeth est une mère célibataire, il commença à faire de son mieux pour elle, et gagna peu à peu la confiance de ses subordonnés. Néanmoins, elle ne savait pas ce qu’il se passait en coulisse : le projet de vente de la papèterie était déjà en cours…

Baisers torrides de mon insensible patron


Written by Cherry Adair
Art by Kana Takagi

Il y a sept ans, Jessie a épousé le milliardaire, Joshua. Une fois mariés, il ne lui a pourtant accordé aucun regard car pour lui, leur union n’était qu’un mariage de convenance. Leur mariage, Joshua… Elle ne cessait d’y penser. Cependant, elle ne chercha plus à obtenir son amour. Elle ne voulait plus que porter l’enfant de cet homme qu’elle aime. Pour cela, elle mit en place une stratégie imparable : se faire passer pour une autre pour se glisser dans son lit sans qu’il ne se doute de rien. Le seul souci était qu’il pourrait la reconnaître. Mais il n’en était rien : il ne se souvenait même pas du visage de son épouse ! Et par-dessus le marché, il tomba réellement amoureux d’elle !


Rivalité de coeurs

Written by Yvonne Lindsay
Art by Eve Takigawa

Callie Rose Lee, abandonnée par ses parents à un jeune âge, a été recueillie par une famille à la tête d’une grande entreprise envers qui elle a une dette depuis ce jour. Alors qu’elle travaille pour eux en tant qu’assistante, il semblerait qu’un employé au sein de Palmer Enterprises ait divulgué certaines informations à leurs concurrents. Il aura fallu un peu de persuasion, mais Callie accepte finalement d’espionner leur rival en retour. Cependant, elle se heurte immédiatement à un problème lorsqu’elle se rend compte que l’homme en question, Josh Tremont, est beaucoup plus charmant qu’elle ne le pensait…

Rivalité de coeurs

Un amour a épanouir Vol. 2: Triple Trouble

Written by Susan Mallery
Art by Sae Nanahoshi

Avant ses 20 ans, Elissa a épousé Cole. Mais la vie de jeunes mariés exaltante s’est vite transformée en une attente interminable du retour de son mari. Ne pouvant plus supporter ce quotidien qui n’aura pas duré un an, Elissa décida de fuir leur maison. Alors qu’il est seul et abandonné, Cole n’a pourtant pas essayé de retrouver sa femme, ni même de divorcer. Cinq ans plus tard, Elissa revient pour essayer de recoller les morceaux entre eux. Elle tente alors sa chance en postulant à l‘orphelinat que son mari gère. Mais pourquoi veut-elle réellement le revoir ? Pour enfin régler et mettre un terme à leurs problèmes ? Ou bien, y aurait-il autre chose ?

Un amour a épanouir Vol. 2: Triple Trouble

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Get New Digital Releases from DC, Yen Press, Harlequin, and Ankama

There are five new digital releases available right now on comiXology. You can get new releases from DC Comics, Yen Press, Harlequin, and Ankama. Get shopping now or check out the releases below.

Legends of the Dark Knight (2021-) #8

Written by Stephanie Phillips
Pencils Max Dunbar
Inks Max Dunbar
Colored by Tamra Bonvillain

HAUNTED FINALE! As the Penguin and his henchmen attack Wayne Manor to try and get the mysterious box back, Batman has holographically taken himself back in time, to solve the case of the West End Wrath’s murders, and what he discovers will change the way he views The Wayne Family and Gotham City forever. Don’t miss this propulsive finale!

Legends of the Dark Knight (2021-) #8

Dead Mount Death Play #65

Written by Ryohgo Narita
Art by Shinta Fujimoto

When one of the Shinoyama guards makes his move, Civil reveals what his true identity might be…! Read the next chapter of Dead Mount Death Play the same day as Japan!

Dead Mount Death Play #65

DoggyBags Vol. 17

Written by Nikho, Florent Maudoux, Diego Royer
Art by Allanva, Nikho, Petit Rapace

Clap de fin pour DoggyBags ! Au sommaire de ce dix-septième et dernier numéro, 3 histoires qui nous emmènent aux confins de la folie: « De Monocerote », « Birds of a leather » et « Tenere ». « De Monocerote », par Nikho : L’itinéraire d’une corne de licorne aux pouvoirs magiques, à travers l’Europe médiévale, qui provoque la discorde et le malheur partout où elle passe. « Birds of a leather», par Florent Maudoux et Allanva : Helen est une dévoreuse. Lorsqu’elle enfile ses fourrures, elle est la reine de la jungle des galas mondains. Mais dans son royaume, un regard reste méprisant : celui de sa belle-fille. Helen n’aura alors de cesse de vouloir la surpasser, d’incarner l’Idéal, quitte à prendre l’expression au pied de la lettre. « Tenere », par Diego Royer et Petit Rapace : Une famille française se retrouve perdue au milieu du désert au Mali, malgré son guide expérimenté. Et alors que tout semble aller de mal en pis, ils sont suivis par des Touaregs, que le guide semble craindre par-dessus tout.

DoggyBags Vol. 17

Goblin Slayer Side Story: Year One #55

Written by Kumo Kagyu
Art by Kento Sakaeda

This series is rated Adults Only
DISCLAIMER: graphic sexuality gore
Read the next chapter of Goblin Slayer Side Story: Year One the same day as Japan!

Goblin Slayer Side Story: Year One #55

The Homeless Heiress

Written by Anne Herries
Art by Naoko Moto

English aristocrat Richard meets George in a London slum when he catches the boy stealing. Richard can tell from the boy’s accent that he doesn’t truly belong there, though. Did he run away from home or get kidnapped? Richard decides to take him back home. But after the boy is given a bath, Richard is shocked to find that George is actually a beautiful girl! She confesses that she’s on the run after being forced to marry to pay off her uncle’s debts. Richard finds himself drawn to her…but can he save her?

The Homeless Heiress

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Explore More Legends of the Dark Knight in Today’s New Digital Releases

There are six new digital comic releases today on comiXology. Get new comics from DC, Harlequin, and Yen Press now. Check out below what’s available now.

Legends of the Dark Knight (2021-) #3

Written by Darick Robertson
Pencils Darick Robertson
Inks Richard P. Clark
Colored by Diego Rodriguez

BAD NIGHT, GOOD KNIGHT PART 3! The Joker is dying from the chemicals he was going to use to wreak havoc in Gotham. Batman only has enough anti-toxin left for one person. Does he save his greatest foe? It sounds like a mortality riddle…what other villain could be waiting for Batman to fail?!

Legends of the Dark Knight (2021-) #3

Dead Mount Death Play #64

Written by Ryohgo Narita
Art by Shinta Fujimoto

Civil’s malice unnerves the Corpse God, but that’s not the only thing… Read the next chapter of Dead Mount Death Play the same day as Japan!

Dead Mount Death Play #64

Goblin Slayer Side Story: Year One #54

Written by Kumo Kagyu
Art by Shingo Adachi, Noboru Kannatuki, Kento Sakaeda

This series is rated Adults Only
DISCLAIMER: graphic sexuality gore
After taking down some goblins, Goblin Slayer gets his first lesson on what it means to be in a party. Read the next chapter of Goblin Slayer Side Story: Year One the same day as Japan!

Goblin Slayer Side Story: Year One #54

Princesse malgré elle: Bébés royaux

Written by Leanne Banks
Art by Aya Tsukishima

N’ayant plus de famille depuis la mort de sa mère, Coco est devenue baby-sitter. Le père célibataire du bébé qu’elle garde s’appelle Benjamin et il possède un ranch. Alors qu’elle découvre la douce personnalité qui se cache derrière son corps musclé, Coco s’éprend de Benjamin. Un jour, deux hommes rendent visite à Coco pour l’informer d’une nouvelle inattendue : elle serait en fait une princesse du pays de Chantaine. Ayant du mal à y croire, Coco est néanmoins curieuse de rencontrer sa famille. Voyant son indécision, Benjamin lui propose de l’accompagner en se faisant passer pour son fiancé.

Princesse malgré elle: Bébés royaux

My Lady Innocent

Written by Annie Burrows
Art by Nei Nowaki

After her father and brothers passed away in a war against the king, Maddy sought to live as quietly as possible in her lucky position as a lady-in-waiting. But after some strange events, she begins to suspect someone wants her dead. Maddy must pull herself together and think clearly, but she can’t figure out whether her relationship with a certain handsome kennel master is a distraction, a strategic marriage or destiny…

My Lady Innocent

MORE THAN PERFECT (colored version)

Written by Day Leclaire
Art by Nami Akimoto

Despite her better judgment, Angie, a secretary, has unrequited feelings for her boss, Lucius, who is known by his employees as “the Devil.” Concealing these feelings, she buries herself in her work as his subordinate. But when Angie discovers the “Apprentice Bride Program” Lucius has commissioned to help him search for a wife, she approaches the program’s creator to ask that the results be rigged so that she will be put forth as Lucius’s perfect apprentice bride!※This work is originally colored.

MORE THAN PERFECT (colored version)

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Legends of the Dark Knight Debuts plus 3 Releases from Yen Press and Harlequin

There are four new comics available on comiXology. Legends of the Dark Knight #1 is the highlight of releases as the latest DC Digital First debuts. Check out the individual releases below or start shopping now.

Legends of the Dark Knight (2021-) #1

Written by Darick Robertson
Pencils Darick Robertson
Inks Darick Robertson
Colored by Diego Rodriguez
Cover by Darick Robertson, Diego Rodriguez

BAD NIGHT, GOOD KNIGHT begins! Legendary Creator Darick Robertson (The Boys, Happy) crafts a horrifying night in Gotham City that will change Batman forever. A new player in the city is selling a deadly chemical and all of Batman’s villains want to buy. Batman is going to have to stop the chemical from being sold, and stop a deadly stand-off between The Penguin and Mr. Freeze!

Legends of the Dark Knight (2021-) #1

Dead Mount Death Play #63

Written by Ryohgo Narita
Art by Shinta Fujimoto

Read the next chapter of Dead Mount Death Play the same day as Japan!

Dead Mount Death Play #63

Goblin Slayer Side Story: Year One #53

Written by Kumo Kagyu
Art by Shingo Adachi, Noboru Kannatuki, Kento Sakaeda

This series is rated Adults Only
DISCLAIMER: graphic sexuality gore

Goblin Slayer’s promotion exam begins in earnest. His first task—tracking some goblins, and trying to explain what he sees as common sense to someone else… Read the next chapter of Goblin Slayer Side Story: Year One the same day as Japan!

Goblin Slayer Side Story: Year One #53

Surprise, Surprise!

Written by Annette Broadrick
Art by Riho Sachimi

Dane Ross is a workaholic company president, who gets demanded by his doctor to take a ten-day vacation from work. His secretary, Kathryn Collier enjoys her time without her unfriendly and boring boss, until she receives an urgent call from him, ‘help me! There are baby twins at my door!’ Shocked to hear her boss ask for help, Kathryn drops her work to run to the boss, to see him struggling with two energetic baby girls. Seeing Dane in his normal clothes covered with baby saliva and talking softly while changing diapers…this isn’t the Dane Ross she knows!

Surprise, Surprise!

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New Truth & Justice Highlights ComiXology’s New Releases Today

There are four new releases today on comiXology. Get new comics from Yen Press, Harlequin, and DC. Start shopping now or check out the individual releases below.

Dead Mount Death Play #62

Written by Ryohgo Narita
Art by Shinta Fujimoto

The fortune-telling shop is back in business! But one of the customers is giving the Corpse God some extremely bad vibes… Read the next chapter of Dead Mount Death Play the same day as Japan!

Dead Mount Death Play #62

La maîtresse d’Antonio Rossi

Written by Susanna Carr
Art by Satoru Nagasawa

Isabella, une étudiante américaine en voyage à Rome pendant les vacances de printemps, rencontre Antonio par hasard en lui demandant le chemin. Attirés l’un par l’autre comme des aimants, ils vont finir par sortir ensemble après avoir passé la nuit dans le même lit. Mais cette idylle prend fin lorsqu’Antonio la rejette soudainement, sans aucune explication. C’est alors que Giovanni, le frère aîné d’Antonio, va apporter son soutien à Isabella. Tout en la réconfortant, celui-ci va lui proposer de boire pour oublier sa peine et c’est ainsi qu’Isabella va se retrouver impliquée malgré elle dans les querelles des deux frères, accusée d’infidélité ! Parviendra-t-elle à rétablir la vérité et reconquérir l’homme qu’elle aime… ?

La maîtresse d'Antonio Rossi

The Italian’s Inherited Mistress

Written by Lynne Graham
Art by Tomoko Takakura

Housesitting in her isolated Scottish Highland childhood home, Isla learns of her sister and brother-in-law’s deaths six weeks after the accident.

As she attempts to process the news, she receives an unexpected visitor. The last time she’d seen her brother-in-law’s twin was at her sister’s wedding six years ago…

Barging into her childhood home with the force of a blizzard and his eyes blazing, Alissandru Rossetti demands to know when the affair with her brother-in-law began. Outside, the wind begins to howl…

The Italian's Inherited Mistress

Truth & Justice (2021-) #11

Written by Jeff Trammell
Pencils Rob Guillory
Inks Rob Guillory
Colored by Jean-Francois Beaulieu

Trapped in his own nightmare, Red Hood battles against the Bat-Family and his former selves. Can he find a way to make his terrors work for him or will be trapped in his fears forever?

Truth & Justice (2021-) #11

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Dead Mount Death Play #61 is Today’s New Digital Release on comiXology

It’s a pretty quiet release day on comiXology with just one digital comic from Yen Press. Check it out below.

Dead Mount Death Play #61

Written by Ryohgo Narita
Art by Shinta Fujimoto

As mysteries only grow, new alliances are forged… Read the next chapter of Dead Mount Death Play the same day as Japan!

Dead Mount Death Play #61

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ComiXology Has a Trio of New Releases Including DC’s Truth & Justice #2

There are three new releases on comiXology highlighted by the second issue of the DC Digital First series, Truth & Justice. You can get all three now for less than $5 or check out the individual issues below.

Dead Mount Death Play #60

Written by Ryohgo Narita
Art by Shinta Fujimoto

Read the next chapter of Dead Mount Death Play the same day as Japan!

Dead Mount Death Play #60

Goblin Slayer Side Story: Year One #50

Written by Kumo Kagyu
Art by Shingo Adachi, Noboru Kannatuki, Kento Sakaeda

This series is rated Adults Only
DISCLAIMER: graphic sexuality gore
Read the next chapter of Goblin Slayer Side Story: Year One the same day as Japan!

Goblin Slayer Side Story: Year One #50

Truth & Justice (2021-) #2

Written by Geoffrey Thorne
Pencils ChrisCross
Inks Jordi Tarragona
Colored by Wil Quintana

With her totem shattered, Vixen will need to harness her natural abilties to channel the animal kingdom if she’s going to stop the mad god Nyame!

Truth & Justice (2021-) #2

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Truth & Justice Debuts Digitally as Part of Today’s New Releases

There are five new digital releases today on comiXology from DC Comics, Yen Press, and Harlequin. The highlight is the debut of DC’s new digital series Truth & Justice! Start shopping now or check out the individual releases below!

Truth & Justice (2021-) #1

Written by Geoffrey Thorne
Pencils ChrisCross
Inks Jordi Tarragona
Colored by Wil Quintana
Cover by ChrisCross, Wil Quintana

Mari McCabe is many things: superhero, model, activist; but can she add god-killer to the list? Vixen teams up with Dr. Mist and Impala of the Global Guardians to face down an ancient deity that’s taken over the body of a scientist investigating powerful magical artifacts. Vixen will need to dig deep and use all the abilities in the animal kingdom to face down this powerful primeval threat!

Truth & Justice (2021-) #1

Dead Mount Death Play #59

Written by Ryohgo Narita
Art by Shinta Fujimoto

Solitaire’s back, and he’s teamed up another high-profile troublemaker! Though he doesn’t seem to quite know what’s going on… Read the next chapter of Dead Mount Death Play the same day as Japan!

Dead Mount Death Play #59

Goblin Slayer Side Story: Year One #49

Written by Kumo Kagyu
Art by Shingo Adachi, Noboru Kannatuki, Kento Sakaeda

This series is rated Adults Only
DISCLAIMER: graphic sexuality gore

Forced to take a rare day off while waiting for his promotion meeting, Goblin Slayer returns to the farm bearing news Cow Girl and her uncle are sure to be interested in… Read the next chapter of Goblin Slayer Side Story: Year One the same day as Japan!

Goblin Slayer Side Story: Year One #49

Rendez-vous avec le destin

Written by Miranda Lee
Art by Masako Ogimaru

Mariée à Ralph, un homme qui a trente ans de plus qu’elle, Salome a toujours été considérée comme une femme sans vergogne. Menant une vie de luxe et de plaisir à ses côtés, leur divorce inopiné fait désormais d’elle une femme riche. Tandis que Salome décide de vendre son appartement, elle découvre que son voisin d’en face n’est autre que Mike Angellini, un restaurateur de réputation mondiale qui, jusqu’alors, l’avait toujours repoussée. En outre, l’image que la haute société a de Salome est celle d’une maïtresse vénale, mais elle veut que Mike sache la vérité. Ayant donné tout son argent à des associations caritatives, Salome veut laisser son passé derrière elle, mais finira-t-elle par succomber aux charmes de Mike?

Rendez-vous avec le destin

The Groom Maker

Written by Lisa Rizoli
Art by Ao Chimura

Rae has earned the infamous title of Groom Maker. With twelve ex-boyfriends having gone on to marry the next woman they meet, everyone believes her record is no coincidence. When Trent, the owner of her rental house, tells her to move out, she’s devastated. Without that house, Rae’s dream of owning her own salon will crumble. The two agree on a bet. Rae will date Trent, and if she can convince him to leave the bachelor life and settle down, she will win the right to stay in the house. Otherwise, he’ll kick her out. Will unexpected feelings make a bigger mess or create a new dream for both of them?

The Groom Maker

ComiXology Has Four New Digital Comics For You Today Including Goblin Slayer and Laurel & Hardy

There’s four new digital comics available now on comiXology. You can get shopping and get them now or check out the individual issues below!

Dead Mount Death Play #58

Written by Ryohgo Narita
Art by Shinta Fujimoto

Habaki’s finally been dealt with, but he seems to have left behind more questions than answers… Read the next chapter of Dead Mount Death Play the same day as Japan!

Dead Mount Death Play #58

Goblin Slayer Side Story: Year One #48

Written by Kumo Kagyu
Art by Shingo Adachi Noboru Kannatuki, Kento Sakaeda

This series is rated Adults Only
DISCLAIMER: graphic sexuality gore

Instead of assisting adventurers, Guild Girl has a battle of her own today—with Goblin Slayer’s promotion at stake! Read the next chapter of Goblin Slayer Side Story: Year One the same day as Japan!

Goblin Slayer Side Story: Year One #48

Laurel & Hardy: Christmas Follies #1

Written by S.A. Check, Jordan Gershowitz, Jorge Pacheco
Art by Eric Shanower
Pencils Jorge Pacheco, Diego Tapie
Inks Jorge Pacheco, Diego Tapie
Colored by Jorge Pacheco, Diego Tapie

Laurel & Hardy: Christmas Follies

Laurel & Hardy: Christmas Follies #1

The Miracle Man

Written by Sharon Sala
Art by Shiyori Matsuo

Tony lives alone on the farm her parents left her. One day, during a terrible storm, a plane crashes nearby and she rescues Layne, a US marshal. Layne must track down a heinous criminal who was also on board the plane and is now missing. Tony offers her home to be used as Layne’s headquarters. As the tense days pass, Tony finds herself drawn to the kind and gentle marshal…

The Miracle Man

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