Recap/Review: Crisis on Infinite Earths Part 5 – DC’s Legends of Tomorrow

Just when you think you’re out, DC on the CW pulls you back in. In the Crisis Crossover finale it’s the fall out from the repercussions of what has happened.

Kara wakes up in her own bed feeling relaxed at least until Dazzler tells her to get to work. Kara rushes down just in time to see Lex Luthor getting a Nobel Peace Prize and unfortunately she’s the only person who remembers, at least until she bumps into J’onn at work. It seems like only the Paragons remember what happened and know that all of the Earth’s have been merged thanks to Oliver’s ultimate sacrifice.


In Central City a couple of utility workers discover a passed out Nash (a Pariah depending on how things went down) and in Star City, Sara is having a bunch of meshed memories, on her way to meet Roy. J’onn J’onzz shows up to fill Sara in and mind-meld with Ray to catch him up as he has done with every other DC superhero and their teams in this combined Prime Earth. Once everyone is gathered and celebrating being in the same universe as all of their super friends, old and new, they discover that Oliver didn’t survive the battle with the Anti-Monitor and they all have to grieve his loss a second time.


After fighting off some rogue Shadow Monsters the not dead Anti-Monitor is forced into a perpetually shrinking state of existence ending that threat, for now. The episode ends with a memorial funeral for Oliver in the Hall of Justice with Batwoman, Flash, Sara, Black Lightning, Atom, Supergirl, and Superman and now that they have a cohesive universe in Prime Earth the beginning of the Super Friends with a seat reserved for their fallen savior and friend, the Green Arrow. We also see an empty cage and a banana, which means we might get to see the Wonder Twins and him at some point on any of the shows. We also see that there still might be other Earths that include Stargirl, a nice tie in for her upcoming CW/DC Universe show.

Overall this episode was pure fire, it’s a fun romp through memory lane and filled us with hope for the DC Universe on the CW as well as one cohesive universe where all of our faves can join forces at any time. I binge-watched all five episodes in order and, in my honest opinion, I felt like it was more of a movie. More so than anything that DC has put on the big screen. It was beautifully acted, wonderfully acted, and directed with such a cohesive, brilliant eye that I forgot to make dinner or use the bathroom because I couldn’t take my eyes off of the screen. The episode left an open door for some amazing one-off crossovers and made me genuinely excited for shows like Arrow and Flash, that I haven’t watched them since the first season.


The five arc crossover was the hard reset that the CW and DC needed to bring back old fans into the fold, engage new fans and possibly up the numbers on some of the shows that may have had some ratings issues.

The arc gave those of us who only watch one or two of the CW’s offerings a chance to get to know what else the CW offers and get us invested in all of the shows. As someone who checked out on a few of the CW shows, I have a newfound interest in some of the characters and a desire to hit the CW app on my Apple TV to play catch up so I can become a regular viewer of all of their DC shows across the board.


This season premiere was a fitting return for my DC/CW Bae, Legends of Tomorrow and was so well written that I forgot about all of the things that I was excited about while I awaited their return. It tied up all the loose ends that the previous Crisis episodes left open and established a new world full of exciting possibilities. Crisis was an emotional roller coaster filled with love and loss, hope, and passion and it’s worth a five-hour binge watch on the CW app because, in my opinion, that enhances the amazing experience. The “Crisis on Infinite Earths” crossover made a true believer in the DC/CW franchise and I can’t wait to see more.

Overall Rating: 9.7