Hickman’s X-Men: House of X /Powers of X & the Meaning of Krakoa

Mutants talking economic policy at Davos! Cyclops/Wolverine/Jean: a throuple! Is Krakoa Israel or is it a gay bar? Jonathan Hickman leads a relaunch of X-men comics that X-Men fans call #HoXPox. What are the politics of the series? This looks like a job for: 

Chingy Le Gay is a writer, comedian, advice columnist, and critically acclaimed ex-girlfriend. Her work focuses on queer dating, pop culture, and her weird sex life and can be found at Out Magazine, Jezebel, Them, and Autostraddle. https://twitter.com/TheGayChingy

Steven Attewell writes about the intersection of history, politics, and pop culture in The People’s History of the Marvel Universe for Graphic Policy, and at https://racefortheironthrone.tumblr.com/ (where he’s been covering HoX/PoX issue-by-issue). In his day job, he teaches public policy at CUNY’s School for Labor and Urban Studies. https://twitter.com/StevenAttewell


  • Comparing AOC and Krakoa
  • “No it’s not a cult!”
  • Who gets to tell big stories in comics
  • Mutant Social Reproduction in the Marxist sense & the sexy sense
  • Free All Political Prisoners!
  • “My medication is an endless supply of Charles Xaviers”
  • “Emma/Jean is Top for Top” 

As always, hosted by : https://twitter.com/Elana_Brooklyn