Review: Hawk of New York #2

Hawk of New York #2

In the final season of Daredevil on Netflix, Matt Murdock finds out the damage of secrets hiding in front of him. We find out that he was not exactly an orphan and a person who has been particularly a maternal figure in his life is exactly that. The first emotions that run across Murdock’s mind is that of betrayal as he felt that someone should have told him the truth. Anyone in his position could feel like his whole life was a lie in many ways. The season went on to show that one such lie carried into so many threads in his life. He went on to find out many things about his father and why his mother was not knowingly part of his life.

Secrets carry its “own water” in ways that its holders know so well. In the second issue of Hawk Of New York, Eric comes into his own and Howard struggles with the secrets holding the orphanage together.

We find Eric, as we watch him become a proficient mechanic, as Howard shows him the ropes, even letting him on what lead him to the school. We also find Howard dealing with the orphanage’s superintendent and the pornographic tapes they have of different young girls, including one who is murdered on video. This is when we find out the Superintendent’s ties to Devil Marauders Motorcycle Club, as Eric’s girlfriend gets kidnapped.

Overall, an interesting installment in this unique story which plays on a few different genres. The story by Randyl Bishop is fascinating. The art by Bishop is engaging. Altogether, an enjoyable issue that showcases Bishop’s many talents.

Story: Randyl Bishop Art: Randyl Bishop
Story: 9.0 Art: 9.0 Overall: 9.0 Recommendation: Buy