Review: Lizard Men #2

At no time in recent history has popular culture and politics clashed in the ugliest ways. As America faces several conflicts in the coming years, just a few years ago, I can remember when many of this was just fodder for late night hosts, now much of it is a scary future. As part of the recent documentary about Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., “King in the Wilderness,” much of the documentary covered what happened in his last years. The years when no one cared for his message, when no one funded his demonstrations, and when much of the movement struggled in the shadows of its former self.

The “wilderness” that is referred to in the documentary is the future and as much as one wishes to be optimistic about geopolitical issues, it is certainly grim. Our current political climate feels like a mediocre reality show, with an incompetent frontrunner who continuously screws up despite the many chances. The more our news reflects many of the political parodies of yesteryear, the harder it becomes to tell the difference. In the most recent installment of Lizard Men, we find out just how difficult it is to govern, especially for someone so far out of their depth.

We catch up with Dylan, as he struggles with his new digs, as his old haunts still calls out to him. We are also introduced to a new character, a young British spy, who is hired to find and protect at all costs. We soon find out the current mess he thought he got himself into, is an elaborate hoax by the Lizard Men to assert their authority. By issue’s end, every action has a consequence, as Dylan finds out rather quickly, leaving peoples live in great danger.

Overall, an excellent continuation to a great series as the story expands showing to what extent the Lizard Men will go to stay in power. The story by Steven Horry is funny, dramatic, action packed and gritty as hell. The art by the creative team is astonishing and vibrant. Altogether, a great issue which only elevates the book.

Story: Steven Horry Art: Catia Fantini, Chiara Bonacini, Ken Reynolds and Mira Manga
Story: 9.7 Art: 9.3 Overall: 9.8 Recommendation: Buy