DC Rebirth: Recap and Review Comics Released 10/25

Welcome to Graphic Policy’s DC Rebirth: Recap And Review where we take a look at the comics released under DC‘s Rebirth banner and try to work out just how accessible they are for new readers – we’ll also be providing  recap of sorts for the relevant story beats up until the issue in question in order to help you figure out if the series is something you’re interested in.

Each comic will receive a rating of Friendly or Unfriendly based on how easy it was for new readers to pick them up; the ratings are based solely on the issues released in the post-Rebirth ongoing series. More consideration regarding the comic’s accessibility will be given for the specific issue being read rather than the series overall, but if reading a back issue will help, then that will be mentioned. You’ll also notice that each comic will get a rating that falls on Graphic Policy’s typical ten point scale, which is there to help you pick between issues if you only want to check out one or two.

Not every comic is covered week to week, and that’s because I  sometimes forget to read them  (although that doesn’t happen often), or I really can’t bring myself to pic up the issue. If I have missed an issue, typically I won’t go looking for back issues to catch up on events – this feature is all about accessibility for new readers, after all.


DETECTIVE COMICS #967Action Comics #990 The conclusion of an arc that reintroduced Jor El to the DCU, revealing his identity as Mr. Oz, and saw Superman’s father try to tempt the Kents to live on a world that deserves them. When Clark hesitated, Jor El turned to his grandson – Jonathon Kent! This isn’t really an Unfriendly issue, but then nothing interesting happens here either. 6/10

Batman Beyond #13 has a lot going on this issue, which unfortunately leaves this issue quite Unfriendly. It’s also not great, either. 6/10

Detective Comics #967 Last issue we saw Future Batman in the present to try and prevent something after Future Batman was locked up with Red Robin (who wasn’t dead even though everybody thought he was) in a timeless prison of Mr. Oz’s. Oh, Future Batman is an unrepentant killer who is really Future Tim Drake, and who is also after Batwoman for some reason. Last issue Future Batman gave Red Robin  pretty severe electric shock. That probably doesn’t sound like the ideal place to jump on board, but strangely enough this is almost Friendly. 7.75/10

Batgirl #16 I’ve missed the last couple of issues of this series so I can’t give you a recap, but the dual story lines combine to form an overall Friendly issue as the past helps to explain the present. 6.75/10

Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #31 Hal has been sent to Earth to find Parallax who may or may not be possessing Superman after a recent appearance in Action Comics. After a brief scuffle with Superman, Hal Jordan realizes that he’s seeing things courtesy of some giant headed telepathic dude who desperately wants Hal Jordan’s help. Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #31 is both very enjoyable and BG_Cv16_dsreally quite Friendly8/10

Justice League Of America #17 Half the JLA is saving the microverse (and by extension the universe). This isn’t bad, but it’d be borderline Friendly if this was your jumping on point. 6.25/10

Suicide Squad #28 While half of the Squad are on an abandoned space station with Rick Flagg’s grandfather, the other half are stranded on Earth. The amount of exposition in this issue makes it Friendly, and the action and humorous touches makes it enjoyable. 7/10

The Flash #33 As this is a Dark Nights Metal tie in that continues over to the next Justice League as a jumping on point for The Flash this is quite Unfriendly. Otherwise a solid issue. 6.75

Teen Titans #13 After recent events had Damian fire Kid Flash the team feels as though there’s a hole in the Teen Titans. This Friendly comic isn’t a bad jumping on point by any means. 7/10

Wonder Woman #33 I don’t honestly remember the last issue or two so there’s no real recap I can give you (honestly I’ve care less about the series since the previous writer left), but the comic is Friendy enough. 6.5/10