Welcome to Quickstarter, Your Source for Comics Crowdfunding Coverage

As crowdfunding sites become an increasingly popular and accessible option for independent creators looking to launch their next big project, the absence of consistent coverage of crowdfunding projects becomes even more glaring.

Big name projects may pick up an interview or a write up here and there, but if you’re a creator looking to promote your work, or even a reader looking for interesting books to back, where can you turn for a round-up of interesting projects, reports on campaign fulfillment progress, interviews with creators, or even information on how to launch a campaign of your own down the line?

Starting today, we want it to be Graphic Policy.

Quickstarter will feature a regular round-up of current projects, progress reports, and down the line, interviews with creators both about their current campaigns and about how they make their campaigns a success. Creators interested in a review of their campaign can e-mail CK Stewart at quickstarter [at] ckstewart [dot] com.

For curious minds, here’s what we’re looking for beyond just a compelling story concept:

How reasonable is the goal? If this is a creator’s first crowdfunding campaign and they’re asking for upwards of $25,000, we’ll check into their previous work and only recommend it if they seem to have a big enough audience to meet the goal.

What’s the best pledge tier? Are digital deliveries of the completed book only starting at $25? With so many excellent campaigns running, we bet we can find you two future digital books for $30. Is a campaign promising extra cute add-ons for just a dollar or two more than the pdf? We’ll give you a heads up.

What is their track record? If the team’s past campaigns are consistently late, or they have outstanding items undelivered after a year past the promised date, it might be worth giving the campaign a pass.

Quickstarter will begin with at least a monthly round-up, but ideally offer round-ups of campaigns on the first and second Friday of each month. Currently the focus is exclusively on comics, but as time allows we may also try to feature campaigns for other media.

Crowdfunding has been a vital path to publishing for creators from marginalized communities in particular, and has produced incredible works like The Other Side anthology or the beautiful print edition of Sophie Campbell’s Shadoweyes through Iron Circus.

But it can be hard to keep up with all of the new projects cropping up each day — and that’s where Graphic Policy wants to help potential backers find new creators to support, or help creators find a potential new audience. Creators, send information about your projects to quickstarter [at] ckstewart [dot] com — we look forward to sharing the first round up soon!