TV Review: Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. S4E18 No Regrets

The truth behind Fitz’s turn threatens to bring down all of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. builds towards the eventual battle with Aida as the team makes some moves to free some individuals and gain more allies. There’s also some questions as to Jemma’s loyalties and what she knows.

The episode to me is mostly forgettable though. There’s the return of Trip which is great to see since he’s a favorite of mine, but other than that, it’s rather blah as a whole. There’s action. There’s some solid sneaking around. But, it’s all about the end of the episode.

But, watching this episode, I can’t help but thinking, of all the holes that are in our faces. Aida is shown with the bodies of all of the individuals in the construct which had me wondering why she hasn’t bothered killing them? There’s also a character getting Terrigen mist around her, but she doesn’t die?

Both of those things were enough to take me out of the episode and at this point, I’m just waiting for the eventual battle and to see how everyone gets out of this simulation. We know it’s coming, so it all just feels like a build to something we know will happen, which unfortunately has me just counting down the episodes for what’s coming.

The series has lost steam as they’ve gone into this new world. The first episode of this specific arc sequence was full of possibilities and you can tell the writers were willing to do whatever they felt like. This and the previous episode though feel much more on the rails and by the book in many ways. The series needs to get back to that anything can happen and if they do that, this season will end on a strong note.

Overall Score: 7.05