DC Rebirth Recap & Review: Comics Released 3/15

Welcome to Graphic Policy’s DC Rebirth: Recap And Review where we take a look at the comics released under DC‘s Rebirth banner and try to work out just how accessible they are for new readers – we’ll also be providing  recap of sorts for the relevant story beats up until the issue in question in order to help you figure out if the series is something you’re interested in.

Each comic will receive a rating of Friendly or Unfriendly based on how easy it was for

new readers to pick them up; the ratings are based solely on the issues released in the post-Rebirth ongoing series. More consideration regarding the comic’s accessibility will be given for the specific issue being read rather than the series overall, but if reading a back issue will help, then that will be mentioned. Generally, the quality of an issue won’t be discussed unless it directly impacts a new reader’s enjoyment of the series.

You may notice that not every comic is covered week to week, and that’s because I  sometimes forget to read them  (although that doesn’t happen often). If I have missed an issue, typically I won’t go looking for back issues to catch up on events – this feature is all about accessibility for new readers, after all.



AQM_Cv19_dsAll-Star Batman #9 Batman is globetrotting in order to save some land from further decay as a result of some bacteria that Mr. Freeze released. This issue sees him going after another in his rogues gallery in a mostly prose and art form that’s both Friendly and really quite good.

Aquaman #19 Part one in a new story arc… which is a good thing because I honestly don’t remember the previous issue in anyway shape or form. Luckily, this is a Friendly place to start if you want to delve into the series and characters, even if does refer back to the New 52.

Batman #19 Bane is attacking Arkham and for some reason the inmates are trying to defend Batman. This story refers back to elements from the first (and only decent arc in the series) and while I could do an in depth, or even brief, recap for you.

Batwoman #1 Spinning out of Detective Comics, this series has a little throw back to the best forgotten monster story crossover that I can never remember the name of (because it was awful) before moving into a more interesting direction. It’s also Friendly.

Green Arrow #19 Last issue Roy Harper, Ollie’s former partner, punched Green Arrow square in the face. Despite the tension, this Friendly issue is about Arsenal and Green Arrow working together to defend a peaceful protest from a group of gun toting madmen.

Green Lanterns #19 Another new arc in one of the most consistently Friendly series thanks to Sam Humphries tendency to give some form of recap or introduction at the outset of every issue… which isn’t present here. That said, it’s still an accessible comic for new readers; if you don’t know who Doctor Polaris is, think a DC version of Magneto (basically).

NTW_Cv17_dsJustice League #17 Time is being erased, and the League has been sent to different time periods to stop it. I think. It’s not the best story, honestly, but I don’t know if my lack of enjoyment is clouding my ability to follow along or not so I’m not marking it as friendly or unfriendly.

Nightwing #17 Dick Grayson’s pregnant girlfriend has been kidnapped, and Damian Wayne has decided to confront Dick about who will be the next Batman. There were some brilliant moments between the two last issue, and the inevitable team up is a fantastic, and Friendly, reminder of just how fun these two were as Batman and Robin before the New 52 came along.

Superman #19 Although I’m far from a fan of the artwork, there’s something happening that’s erasing Jon, and Superman’s life from existence in the current timeline (because this Superman is from before the New 52). The comic itself is somewhat Friendly, although the story itself isn’t the easiest to follow.

Super Sons #2 Damian Wayne and Jon Kent are breaking into Lex Corp to look for … I honestly didn’t remember until I put it together about half way through this comic. I’d say that makes it pretty Friendly.