TV Review: Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. S4E14 The Man Behind the Shield

agents-of-shield-lmdCoulson and the team engage in a deadly cat-and-mouse game as they work to rescue Director Mace, who is fighting for his life.

Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. after what feels like forever we finally get the origin of the man who is obsessed with Coulson and the head of the Watchdogs. And after all of the waiting… it’s underwhelming. It’s underwhelming to an extent that Coulson even acknowledges it with a “cool origin bro.”

The episode focuses on a couple of things, two of which are trying to find individuals. There’s Director Mace who is being held by the Watchdogs and in usual bad guy fashion is toyed with for unknown reasons. Then there’s finding May.

There’s a lot to the episode that left me scratching my head. Quake fighting the non-powered Watchdog head in hand to hand combat when she could end it in two seconds by using her powers. Then there’s her leaving him after winning. And some of the other bad guys get away eventually!?

It’s all really choppy and weird with plot points that make little sense at all.

And then there’s those last ten minutes where a twist is revealed as to why things played out the way they did… which left me with… huh!?

For those who read comics, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. feels like it’s taking a lot of ideas from Marvel’s Secret Invasion storyline leaving viewers to question who’s real and who’s not. It’s fun, but the episode has also gone a bit over the top with it all giving us reveals at odd times leaving out the shock of it all.

While I generally like the concept of where this season has gone, it hasn’t quite played things the way I’d like, expect, or make sense. In the end, this episode left us with one too many decoys.

Overall Score: 7.85