Rebirth Review: Catching Up On 8/24

Welcome to a special catch up edition of Graphic Policy’s Rebirth Review. Last week, I forgot to pick up Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #3 , and because this week just gone was the fifth week in a month, where there’s fewer comics released, there weren’t any comics that fell under the Rebirth banner. So this week we’ve only got issue to cover, and that’s only because I missed it last week.

As always, the only rating for the comic will be  a simple rating of Friendly/Unfriendly based on how easy it was for new readers to pick up; the rating is based solely on the issues released in the post-Rebirth ongoing series so far, with more consideration given for the specific issue being read when it comes to the final rating than the series overall.

Shall we get to it, then?

HJFLC_Cv3_dsHal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #3 I’ve read quite a few comics, and it feels like it has been months since I read the last issue of this series, but I was able to jump into it with ease. The lack of Green Lanterns in the universe isn’t explained in this issue, I’m pretty sure it has been already at some point, but that’s not the end of the world in terms of being able to follow the plot.

On the surface, this is a very Friendly comic for new readers, And while there are machinations happening that new readers (or forgetful people like me) may not immediately notice, that doesn’t lessen your enjoyment of this issue. If you’ve read the first two issues, obviously you’ll find it easier to start reading here, but that’s not a requirement just yet.