TV Review: Fear the Walking Dead S2E5 Captive

fear-the-walking-dead-posterAlicia works to reunite with her family; and Travis meets a familiar face. Meanwhile, Madison and Nick lead a charge to save their family against all odds.

Fear the Walking Dead continues from the events of last episode with folks split and the tension building for the entire episode to what is a hostage negotiation.

The episode actually does a solid job in the opener as we see the fate of Travis and Alicia in a slight twist. But, who gave information to their captors is the interesting one and has a nice sense of actions coming back to haunt the group.

But, the episode is all a build to the final moments of the hostage negotiation. For everyone who things these characters are irritating or unlikeable, this episode has so many of them stepping up. There’s some badass moments as everyone steps up in their own way.

The show has improved in many ways and this episode is a major one where the characters all have their moments, and more importantly, smart moments.

As the tension and threats increase, the episode has seemed to have gotten better. Here’s hoping it keeps up.

Overall Rating: 7.65