Netflix Orders Up The Punisher from Marvel

Marvel has announced that the Punisher is getting his own television series via Marvel and Netflix. The character debuted as part of the second season of Marvel’s Daredevil which debuted in March on Netflix. Actor Jon Bernthal will reprise his role as The Punisher/Frank Castle and Steve Lightfoot will serve as the Showrunner and Executive Producer. Lightfoot was the executive producer of the praised television series Hannibal among other shows and miniseries.

This would be the sixth series between Marvel and Netflix with Luke Cage being the next one and debuting later this year. So far Daredevil has had two season while Jessica Jones has had one. Beyond Luke Cage there is also Iron Fist and The Defenders still to come. The Defenders will bring together the characters from the various shows but it is unknown if the Punisher will participate in it.

The Punisher Teaser