Review: The Vessel Vol. 1


Possessed with the souls of four wronged spirits, a troubled young boy has to extract revenge on their behalves before he can finally lead a normal life.

Written by B. Alex Thompson, The Vessel Vol. 1 takes some inspiration from folklore, and spiritualism It’s an interesting read to say the least. Adding in some revenge based violence, the story is clearly aimed at adults. While I could say more, but that would spoil the well written story.

While the prologue artwork is more vibrant in its use of color, the actual story is dark. The artists, CJ Camba, Amanda Goebel, and Juan Romera, did a great job to emphasize that as the story unfolds. Yet they still manage to balance the occasional light-hearted moments, as the violence and the acts of revenge get increasingly more brutal. It is obvious that those involved feel great pain, as their various crimes come back to get revenge.

Story: B. Alex Thompson Artists: CJ Camba, Amanda Goebel, Juan Romera
Story: 8.5 Art: 9.0 Overall: 8.75 Recommendation: Buy

Approbation Comics provided Graphic Policy with a FREE copy for review