Webcomics Weekly: Tales Of Elgon

In a new feature here a Graphic Policy, we’ll take a look at one of the many webcomics out there that the staff enjoy each week (but don’t be fooled by the “weekly” part of the title; it may happen more or less than that). We’re defining webcomics as any comics published online for free consumption by the general public that doesn’t require a  subscription service.

This week we’re taking a look at Tales Of Elgon. The strip is created by Abrian Curington, who was kind enough to answer a few questions for us about the webcomic, which you’ll find below.

Graphic Policy: In a nutshell, can you tell us what the strip’s about?

Abrian Curington: Tales of Elgon is about a self-doubting writer and his aquatic yak, on their quest to save their home from an enemy invasion. Little do they know that the real danger lies in wait, deep beneath the surface…

It’s long-format comic so it does require starting from the beginning in order to get the big picture, but I’ve tried to make it pretty new-reader friendly with a small number of main characters. Though I tackle issues of believing in yourself and your life path, the tone stays pretty light.

GP: How often do you update?

AC: Elgon updates with a double page spread each Thursday! It was important to me that they came out in spreads. It was really made for print, so I try to simulate that with my updates: you turn a page, you get a spread. You click next, you get a spread. I always feel more satisfied when an artist decides to surprise us with a spread. Why not make it a weekly occurrence?!

GP: How long have you been producing the strip?

AC: I ran a test chapter of Tales of Elgon: Rialan from April to August 2014. Then I stopped and did a complete overhaul on the art and story! Tales of Elgon proper has been running since October 2015.

GP: Where did the idea for the strip come from?

AC: Actually the idea came about in a weird way. I’d just failed at drawing a curly-haired girl protagonist for a picture book. So I doodled a curly-haired boy at random. Right after, I started an online course through The Lamp Post Guild about making a series of images.

Well why not have this guy roam through a crazy world? Good hair practice! Eventually, this boy and his world got a story! Tales of Elgon was born.

Why it’s awesome: As much as this is a webcomic, its also very much a fantastic ongoing comic series that just happens to be published online. For free. There’s some fantastic artwork here, and some pretty important statements about self belief, coupled with some pretty funny moments.

Below you’ll find two pages from the webcomic from the opening chapter; pages 25 and 26.Rialan Ch1 P25 Text Web.jpgRialan Ch1 P26 Text Web.jpg

If you’d like to have your webcomic featured here, then drop us an email.