Review: Back to the Future #1

BttF01_cvrBack to the Future was one of those rare movies that not only evoked nostalgia but became a classic all its own. I know for me, growing up, this movie changed my life in so many ways, as it challenged the concept that one should readily accept their station in life and you can actually change your destiny. Me and my cousins not only watched the first movie, but watched the second and third movies as well almost ten years later. The movies to say at the very least, have permeated my family’s lives, as I often find myself using a BTTF reference in my everyday comings and goings.

The trilogy was so imbued with heart, love, family values, nostalgia and great music, that even the harshest movie critic, could fall in love with these movies. It made new fans of Michael J Fox and brought Christopher Lloyd, out of obscurity as a character actor, and into the spotlight, his talent richly deserved. 30 years later from the first movie and 20 years from the second and third movies, the fandom for these films, have endured. As a fan, I often wondered what further adventures Marty and Doc would have went on, if the movies had continued liked the Fast and the Furious franchise, as I believed they would have had even more interesting tales.

So when I heard IDW Publishing was bringing it back in comics form for the 30th anniversary, I was excited to see how they would continue the adventures of these iconic characters. Within the first issue, it serves much like an origin story for all involved, as the first story in this book shows us how Marty McFly met Doc Brown first crossed paths. The second and the one I find more interesting, is about Doc Brown during World War II, working for the man who ended up creating the atomic bomb. By issue’s end, it definitely feels like the creative team aims to answer all unanswered questions left by the filmmakers.

Altogether, this serves as an excellent expansion to the mythology surrounding the movies and definitely serves as closure for diehard fans like myself. Bob Gale, Erik Burnham and John Barber, sidesteps the pitfalls that would mar movie tie-ins and capture the essence of the movies, as it does not hurt that Bob Gale was the original screenwriter for all three movies. The art by Dan Schoening and Brent Schoonover capture this timeless phenomenon in all the perfect colors as they richly capture every detail in the right amount of light. Overall, this a comic full of possibilities, and in reading it, I can hear Doc Brown say “where we are going, we don’t need no roads!!”

Story: Bob Gale, John Barber, Erik Burnham Art: Dan Schoening, Brent Schoonover
Story: 10 Art: 10 Overall: 10 Recommendation: Buy

IDW Publishing provided Graphic Policy with a FREE copy for review