Review: Bullet Gal #12

BC12SmBullet Gal #12 by Andrez Bergen (Iffy Commix), the final issue in the series featuring one of the toughest chicks on the planet, is packed with fantastic images, the best of what has come to define the aesthetic of Bullet Gal and the mythical metropolis of Heropa. In #12, digitized reality has been re-set and all are scrambling to come to terms with all that implies.

The press is in an uproar over what the re-set means and here Bergen skillfully blends visuals of digital culture with vintage/noir imagery, including famous faces such as Edward G. Robinson and Kirk Douglas. Here also are beat reporters from central casting and images of classic autos from the ‘30’s and ‘40’s crowding a downtown neon-lit theatre district as all celebrate and commiserate about what just happened and why.

Bullet Gal 12_sample 1On all levels of society from Mitzi’s mentor Lee (who’s responsible for the re-set) and his bickering doppelgangers, to the heroes to the bad guys (and gals), there’s a palpable sense of apprehension and anticipation. The Crime Crusaders are disbanding to form a new group, and the villains are regrouping to form a new threat. Meanwhile people are partying like it’s New Year’s Eve—and they don’t really know why. It’s the eve of something all right, but what exactly remains a tantalizing mystery.

Meanwhile the duel-pistol-wielding Mitzi’s been headed for a reckoning with French femme fatale Brigitte since the beginning of the series, so when Mitzi observes the effects of the re-set on Brigitte, she’s totally thrown. This new world isn’t so much brave as it is scrubbed of its noir-ish, smoke-stained patina, sanitized and deodorized, with good and evil apparently re-categorized.
Ever the adaptable heroine, Mitzi begins to adjust to her new identity, stepping into a blindingly bright future as a defining persona of the new Heropa, but she’s not blinded by all the hype.

Bullet Gal 12_sample 2When Lee calls her away from the celebrations, if that’s what one could call the gatherings taking place post re-set, he takes on the shadowy form of Cary Grant ascending the stairs in Suspicion, a glowing glass of milk on a tray. This version of Lee seems authentic, but how to know? Can we only hope—for Mitzi’s sake? Don’t worry about Mitzi–even without her twin polished-nickel 9mm. pistols, Mitzi remains Bullet Gal at heart: bored cynicism, eternal optimism and resolute bravery combined into one formidable woman of the future.

Bullet Gal 12_sample 3Bullet Gal #12 is a visually stunning conclusion to the series, and the narrative closes on a satisfying note that still leaves the door open to the imagination. Even if you aren’t usually the type to remain in your seat watching the credits of a film to the bitter end (if you are, I probably wouldn’t need to tell you this), stay and read Bergen’s end-notes and final word on Bullet Gal—it’s definitely worth it!

Story: Andrez Bergen Art: Andrez Bergen Andrez Bergen
Art: 10 Story: 9.8 Overall: 10 Recommendation: Buy

The artist/ creator provided a FREE copy of this issue for review.