Marketing Monday: Top Comic Apps

It’s Marketing Monday here at Graphic Policy and we’re still tracking various comic apps, how they rank up against each other, and the general app population.

For this report, I felt it best to focus on Wednesday of the previous week, since that should be the busiest day of the week for apps since its new comic day. This report also focuses on the ranks in the United States. I’ll eventually look at the entire week down the road and expand the location. I also wanted to look at the gross income for the apps, so apps included are those where you’d purchase books. So apps like comiXology’s offerings would be included, but Marvel’s AR app isn’t.

This is the fourth week since comiXology removed the ability to make purchases directly through the iOS device as well as use Google’s function.

While comiXology has dropped in in its downloads, and Marvel and DC increased in their rankings in the iOS book category, their overall rank in applications haven’t increased to anywhere near where comiXology was. ComiXology’s possible loss hasn’t translated to massive gains by others.

Over time, it’ll be interesting to see if comiXology moves up in rank for Amazon as the company comes in more under their fold.


ios 5.28.14


google 5.28.14


amazon 5.28.14

For these next two stats, I looked at their download ranks for the iPhone and iPad based on their book rank.

iOS iPhone

iphone 5.28.14

iOS iPad

ipad 5.28.14

And that wraps up this week’s breakdown. I’m still thinking through a good name for this feature, so if you have suggestions, let me know!