Facebook Fandom Spotlight: Divergent

The popular book Divergent came to the screen this past weekend, launching the latest YA novel to movie adaptation. The movie did well, opening up in first place and a $56 million opening. It’s reported that the audience was heavy female, with their making up 69% of the audience.

For this week’s Facebook Fandom, I decided to see how that percentage compares to the Facebook likes for the series. For this, I broke down the various terms, grouped them together, and also added in the two stars of the film.

Overall, these stats show 78.72% female, with fans of the film and book skewering a bit higher. 50% of the audience had read the book, and without seeing how that broke down, it’d be hard to determine differences for these stats. It’s possible some of those men were there as dates, so skewed the percentage a bit.

Below are the raw stats and percentages.

divergent 3.24.14