Review: Rocket Girl #1

Rocket Girl #1

rocketgirl01_coverA teenage cop from a high-tech future is sent back in time to 1986 New York City. Dayoung Johansson is investigating the Quintum Mechanics megacorporation for crimes against time. As she pieces together the clues, she discovers the “future” she calls home – an alternate reality version of 2013 – shouldn’t exist at all!

Comics to me are supposed to be fun. This first issue of Rocket Girl, falls into that category. There’s something fun about it, it exudes energy in the first issue.

The first thing that stands out is the concept. Starting off in the alternate reality version of 2013, I could only read each page wondering how this world came to be, which is great since that’s basically the story. The fact is the kids seem to be in charge as teenage cops discuss issues like the latest police procedural on tv. It made me want to find out more about this all, and if anything I wish there was more of the future world, but this is the first issue after all. Then you head back in time to 1986, a decade I grew up in, you can go over the top with the cheesy 80s references, but that wasn’t the case with the issue. While the setting is the 80s, the story isn’t about the 80s at all.

Then there’s the main character of Dayoung Johansson, aka “Rocket Girl.” She might be a cop, but there’s also something very teenage about her. Her enthusiasm to do good leaps up the page as she takes flight and the various reactions to her are beyond entertaining. There’s a great mix of action, humor and more in the issue.

Writer Brandon Monrclare is backed up by the art of Amy Reeder who captures the excitement and enthusiasm, and 80s, quite well. It’s a great pairing of writer, material and artist.

Comics are supposed to be fun, and first issues are supposed to give you enough info so you feel like you know what’s going on, but also holds back so you come back for more. This issue does that, and does it well. Strap on your own rocket, for what seems like a fun ride.

Story By: Brandon Montclare Art By: Amy Reeder
Story: 8 Art: 8 Overall: 8 Recommendation: Buy

Image Comics provided Graphic Policy with FREE copies for review