Facebook Fandom Spotlight: Comic Fans 7/1/2013

It’s the beginning of the month, so that means we look at who the comic book fanbase on Facebook are. You can check out the previous month’s results here.

This information is gathered by looking at over 40 different “like” terms in Facebook. All data is for individuals whose location is the United States. To make this clear if someone says they like “comic books” they are included in this, if they say “Superman” then they are not. Just because someone likes a character doesn’t mean they are a fan of comics, same with movies. So, that’s over 40 terms of comic book terms, publishers, etc.

Facebook Comic Book Fan Population: Over 10,800,000 in the United States

That’s an increase of over 3.8 million fans over the past month! This is due to two things. The first is just growth, of about 900,000 using the same terms from last month. I then added even more terms, which accounted for the rest. Even taking out the new terms, the fanbase grew 900,000 individuals. That’s fantastic for comicdom. I even took it a step further and decided to add comic series and other terms until I maxed out in the number of terms I could use and was able to easily get the count of fans up to 22,000,000 individuals. The goal is to get us to the best terms and see the results from there, but we now know that comics aren’t really a niche thing, but about 7% of the US population are fans in one way or another.

Spanish speakers account for now 580,000 fans, 5.37%. That’s slightly up from the previous month.

We have seen large boosts in the past as the summer comic movies kick off, so this gain isn’t surprising. I expect a shedding of fans later in the year or early next year.

Gender and Age

With the terms we added, women were a larger segment of the population, accounting for a little over 37% of fans. This is a pretty consistent amount as we’ve seen female fandom stick in that 30% range. So while there’s a shift, it still wasn’t anything dramatic.

facebook gender pie chart 7.1.13

Below is the breakdown by age and gender. Again, percentage wise, the age breakdown is about the same with not a lot of shift. Most of the gain was older segments with some loss of people age 22-25, but gains older than that.

We still see the change when it comes to the majority of fans and gender as age increases. This month though, that change shifts about a dozen years. There’s also not quite as smooth climb this month, instead things are much more jagged in the 20s.

This is the graph of the ages last month.

facebook age line chart 6.1.13

This is that same info this month.

facebook age and gender line graph 7.1.13

And here’s all that data showing the population is slightly older.

facebook age raw numbers 7.1.13

Relationship Status

The biggest shift here is the percentage of people married. That has increased to be the second highest percentage behind single which dropped the most.

facebook relationship 7.1.13

And for those that like pie charts.

facebook relationship pie chart 7.1.13


With a slightly older population, the percent of college grads increased.

facebook eduation 7.1.13

Gender Interest

There’s not much of a shift in gender interest from the month before.

facebook interest 7.1.13