TV Review: Gotham S2E10 The Son of Gotham

Gotham Season 2Gordon deals with a suspect linked to Galavan; and Bruce comes closer to indentifying who killed his parents.

Gotham‘s tenth episode bounces back in this episode I think to have Bruce finally stand up, lots of intrigue and the police doing what they do best, be cops.

The series to me is its best when it doesn’t focus on the quirky villains that are proto of what we know come about later on. Instead this episode focuses on the police, really Gordon tracking down the mysterious order who may be linked to Galavan, and to me that’s solid. I really enjoy Gordon when he’s in this mode. It’s a good balance of villain and cop.

More importantly the Selina/Bruce/Silver triangle comes ahead. Bruce’s being strung around by Silver at this point was so boring, so it’s nice to finally see him get a clue and stand up.

The episode is the best of the season so far, getting back to the police aspect I enjoy, and moving away from silly storylines like Nygma or freak of the week.

Overall Rating: 8.6