Rhode Island Comic Con 2015 : Interview with Ethan Van Sciver


Having attended the Rhode Island Comic Con this past weekend on November 6th-8th held at the Dunkin’ Donuts Center, I was very fortunate to have the opportunity to speak with some high-profile guests. (Power of the Press prevails) I was very lucky to get a few minutes with the most prolific Green Lantern artist and good guy: Mr. Ethan Van Sciver.

Graphic Policy: Well it’s very nice to meet you, I appreciate it and I just had a few questions for you that I’m sure would interest your fans.

Ethan Van Sciver: Sure, go ahead.

Graphic Policy: Have you ever been asked to do a commission piece that you’ve flat out refused and if so why?

Ethan Van Sciver: Well, I’m sure that I have, but not because it was dirty or anything. It would have been because I just didn’t want to draw it. People will ask me and come by to draw Star Trek things and that’s not something I really want to do. So I will go, well you know. No thank you.

Graphic Policy: So do you basically try to stick within the vein of comic book books. DC and Marvel characters, because I know you do a lot of cool original pieces like Luke Skywalker Lantern and so forth..

Ethan Van Sciver: I will do Star Wars every now and then, but I prefer to stick to just superheroes. I love drawing superheroes.

Graphic Policy: Absolutely you are fantastic at it.

Ethan Van Sciver: Thank you.

Graphic Policy: Do you have a favorite run?

Ethan Van Sciver: Of somebody elses? Or my own?

Graphic Policy: Yours.

Ethan Van Sciver: Of my own, yeah I really liked everything from Green Lantern Rebirth to Sinestro Corps. I thought that was a really good moment.

Graphic Policy: I think that was your best run ever. I have a personal favorite issue. Green Lantern: Rebirth #6.

Ethan Van Sciver: That issue was really a lot of fun.


Graphic Policy: I loved when Bruce (Batman) punches Hal back because the series opened with Hal punching Bruce so it was cool to see it come back around in the end *

Ethan Van Sciver: Yeah that was cool.

Graphic Policy: My good buddy, you’re one of his favorite artists of all time.

Ethan Van Sciver: Oh wow.

Graphic Policy: Do you have a favorite comic book character and is it Green Lantern?

Ethan Van Sciver: My favorite comic character is Plastic Man.

Graphic Policy: Really?

Ethan Van Sciver: Yeah I love Plastic Man, I’m still waiting for a chance to draw him. I know in the past sales have not been particularly good for that character so they are very hesitant to do it again. I would do it as a gangster book and make it a little more irish mafia and little bit more like Black Mass, you know with just a little bit of superhero in it.

Graphic Policy: That would be really cool. Speaking of, you saw that movie Black Mass?

Ethan Van Sciver: Loved it, and that is my Eel O’ Brien story. Is he using his superhero identity to rise himself in the mob, or is he using the mob to make him a better asset to the FBI? So like, who is this guy for real? It was amazing, you know and the Whitey Bulger story was a lot like that. It was very interesting.

Graphic Policy: It was, and well definitely me being from the Boston area, you can’t help but grow up with stories from that.

Ethan Van Sciver: Yeah.

Graphic Policy: So what advice to you have for anyone looking to be a comic book artist today?

Ethan Van Sciver: Yeah, just do it. Don’t let anyone stop you, just start drawing your own comic book and let it happen. Let it be a gradual process. Breaking in, is a misnomer, there’s no such thing as breaking in. You just do it and advance in the industry.

Graphic Policy: Perfect, and what can we expect from you next? What’s your next project.

Ethan Van Sciver: Next project is called Green Lantern: Edge of Oblivion and it’s a six issue mini series with Tom Taylor writing it and me doing all the art. Basically it’s the story that bridges the gap between Lost Army. The Green Lantern Corps are lost in a universe that’s dying, are are trying to get back to our reality. Our universe. So everyone is in it, except for Hal Jordan.

Graphic Policy: Haha. The main Green Lantern.

Ethan Van Sciver: You know that’s cool. I get to draw all the Lanterns. Guy Gardener. Simon Baz and John Stewart..

Graphic Policy: Larfleeze?

Ethan Van Sciver: Well Larfleeze is not a Green Lantern. It would be cool if he was in it though.

Graphic Policy: Yeah I know, it’s just so great when you draw him.

Ethan Van Sciver: Thank you.

Graphic Policy: Well I appreciate your time for the interview and hope you catch your flight.

Ethan Van Sciver: Thank you and sure thing.

*I also want to point out that Ethan was kind enough not to call me out on my mistake saying Batman punches Hal in Green Lantern: Rebirth #6 when really it occurred in Green Lantern #9. (Have to do my nerd diligence)